Saturday, December 20, 2008


We have not given up yet. We are still confident that we can succeed with the operation. We cannot fail, for the sake of the feline-rodent balance!

Thursday, December 18, 2008


We, uh, lost the battle. And several thousand troops. Not very good.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Declaration of War

Bad news. The war is still raging and we're still losing. C.A.R says that we are automatically declaring world-wide war between cats and rats. We have called in for reinforcements, but they have not yet arrived. The cats have us cornered and are determined to get blood. They will not let us retreat. They will not let us surrender. They are forcing us to fight. Wait...I'm getting a message over the radio!

"The reinforcements have arrived! We have backup! Repeat! THE REINFORCEMENTS HAVE ARRIVED! We have more weapons! We have more ammo! We have more soldiers! This is R.A.C, Rodent Alpha Charlie commander, out!"

Gotta go help!

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Disciplining news from the field. I couldn't update on Friday or Saturday because we were all in the field all day. The battle still rages as I type. We have been fighting since 1:00 in the morning of Friday. Here is the war log, by me.

At midnight on Thursday we left for the Cat base. We arrived at 1:00. The cats were prepared for the attack. Armed and ready, the attacked us with greater weapons, numbers, and strength than we had estimated. We lost approximately 10,000 rats in the surprise attack. Crud. It was a defensive game until noon. By then we were able to retreat and regroup. We laid low till 14:00 hours, then spread our numbers out, hiding in the nooks, crannies and holes that the enemy territory offered. Then, at 14:30, we attacked. This time we had the element of surprise. The cats were caught off guard. That battle still rages. Repeat, crud.

Further investigation on why the cats knew about our attack will be undergone as soon as the battle is over.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Another funny joke...

Attack log: 7: pm, Thursday, Dec. 11, 2008.

We are beginning an attack log as of now. Last-day agents have confirmed that the enemy knows nothing about our attack. Officer of Undercover Operations Penny is confident that we still hold the element of surprise.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


It is important to keep our recruits' chins up!

Army Joke

"Okay, I'll hold 'em off while you make a
run for it!"

More Status reports.

We're launching an attack that could determine the balance of power between rats and cats-on Friday!

We are preparing for the attack. Here are the stats:

Soldier Recruit number: 80,o69,762,492
Enemy recruit number: 620,522
Weapons count: 92,042,563,420
Enemy weapons count: 720,463
Human soldier recruit number: 153

Remember that this is a solitary attack on a single cat base. We risk starting a world-wide war that could end in carnage and failure. For classified reasons, we must also elect a world wide supreme leader. Undercover officer Penny says that the new organization, C.A.R., has come to the same conclusion.

Chief Executive Officer Pence.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Status report (again)

Well, here's the latest news!

We are gathering our forces now that we know the exact location of the cat's base. We are planning on launching a full-scale assault on it. We hope that our estimation of the cat's power is correct. We also are improving our guard on our base. Enemy spies and assassins have posed a serious threat. Further information on C.A.R is classified top secret.

Agent Commander Pence.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Status Report

Sorry for the absence. Anyway, here is the status report:

The new enemy organization (C.A.R.) also has spies. We discovered an intruder of the feline kind (they're pretty hard to miss) that seemed to be gathering info at our base. Fortunately, we launched a full-scale assault and managed to drive him back. He has been identified as "Bosco." Further info on him is not ready for public disclosure. However, the new info on the location of the cat's base has proved useful. Officer Penny has partaken various undercover operations and says that she has learned valuable information about C.A.R.

Agent Hex and agent Hue.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I have temporarily gone on vacation for Thanksgiving. I will be back on the 30th of November. Until then, there will be no more status reports. I am across the state in Frostburg, close to Cumberland. Repeat, there will be no more status reports until November 30th, 2008.

Monday, November 24, 2008


I am happy to report some good news! Check out this message that came in a couple days ago:

We have located the cat's primary base. We will not disclose the coordinates immediately. It is not heavily guarded.

Agent Penny, Officer of undercover operations.

I also have been ordered to report that, due to the danger of our location being discovered, we have moved our primary base.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Status Report.

Here is the Status Report on Operation Upside-down:

The operation is not yet completely underway. We do not have sufficient information yet.
We have not determined the location of the cat HQ. We have minor information on a new
society created by the enemy, C.A.R. (Cats Against Rats) and it could be dangerous to launch an assault yet. Most of the operating agents, including agent Pence, Chief Executive Officer, agree with the following: We are not yet prepared to launch a full-scale attack on the cats.

Agent Speckle

Headquarters Update

Secret headquarters:
Coordinates undisclosed.
Description: Horizontal bar

This info not to be disclosed to
feline species.

Friday, November 21, 2008


I am proud to tell you that R.A.C. has promoted me to the official R.A.C. operations reporter. Now, the report!

For your eyes only,

We have discovered a weakness in the cat's defenses that could be VITAL. They cannot resist fish. Do not let the enemy agents get it or our future plans could be foiled.

R.A.C. Agent Pence.

This message has been translated from code.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Agents (cotinued)

Here are some more agents.
Data source undisclosed.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

R.A.C update...

Obviously an agent at work...

Saturday, November 15, 2008

R.A.C (Rats Against Cats) is born!

My rats have founded a society, the Rats Against Cats! The goal of the secret society is to completely undermine the power of cats and turn the tables! In fact, across the country this is already happening!

Monday, November 10, 2008

New post!

Here's another post! The rats are doing great! I feed them through the bars of the cage and they still don't even nip! I had a weird nightmare about Pence biting me and Penny totally hating me. I made sure they were acting normal as soon as I woke up!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Rich & famous!

Look, my rats are playing chess!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

U.S. Rats!

Election Day is tomorrow already! The rats are doing great, Pence can use her ball! She rolled halfway across my room in it! We cleaned their cage today, here are the pictures!

Friday, October 31, 2008


Happy Halloween from the rats!


As usual, the rats are doing fine. Last night Pence got a little scared, Bosco, our cat, got into my room (that's not happening again!) and stuck his paw in the cage. They didn't get hurt, but would you like it if Goliath stuck his fingers through your window?!? Anyway, she's over it now! Here's a picture that I didn't put in last post.

On Sunday night we're taking them to a party for a couple minutes
so my friends can see them.
Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Whoohoo, I've FINALLY got the pictures!!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008


I haven't got any pictures yet! The rats are doing okay, thought. They almost scared me to death! I had just given them new food and they ate it all really quick. By the time I realized that their food was almost gone, it really was almost gone! And because I was all worked up about it, it seemed like they were hungrier and thinner! (everyone I asked said there was no difference!)

Friday, October 17, 2008


Sorry I haven't been posting! Our computer totally blew up, so we had to have a new one shipped from who knows where. The rats are doing great! They are starting to eat while they're being held. Pics next post!!!

Monday, October 6, 2008


My rats are getting a lot more comfortable with me. Today one of them was riding on my shoulder. Pence (darker) is generally more laid back then penny. They crave cheese-its! They also like carrots and sometimes it seems like they live for sunflower seeds.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


The girls are finally starting to settle in. We cleaned their cage today and changed their water and food. They really are starting to like the cage, and their more comfortable with me now, too!
Plus here's a pic that my cousins sent me!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

My Rats!

Well, I have the rats now! They're not quite settled in yet, I guess I just have to be patient. They love peanut butter granola bars and they lick water off my fingers. Penny, at first, was way more timid then Pence. Penny hid behind the wheel in a tiny space. She looked miserable, so we got hold of her and put her on the bottom level, with Pence. Now they both sleep in their little igloo. They won't eat out of the primary food bowls, so I put a makeshift one on the bottom level, with their water bottle. My sister has a way with animals. They cuddle her and run away from me!!!

P.S. Pics next post!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Here are the pictures! Enjoy!

Pics soon!

Well, I've got a giant cage for my rats. The cam* is dead so I can't show you any pics yet, but I will in my next post!

*Speaking of cameras, thanks Ms. Amber for all the pictures!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Welcome to Rattyland!

This is Rattyland, the land where I tell you the story of my pet rats (I don't exactly have them yet, but I will in less than two weeks!). So, READ ON!
(Special thanks to Ms. Amber for supplying the rats!)