Friday, October 31, 2008


Happy Halloween from the rats!


As usual, the rats are doing fine. Last night Pence got a little scared, Bosco, our cat, got into my room (that's not happening again!) and stuck his paw in the cage. They didn't get hurt, but would you like it if Goliath stuck his fingers through your window?!? Anyway, she's over it now! Here's a picture that I didn't put in last post.

On Sunday night we're taking them to a party for a couple minutes
so my friends can see them.
Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Whoohoo, I've FINALLY got the pictures!!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008


I haven't got any pictures yet! The rats are doing okay, thought. They almost scared me to death! I had just given them new food and they ate it all really quick. By the time I realized that their food was almost gone, it really was almost gone! And because I was all worked up about it, it seemed like they were hungrier and thinner! (everyone I asked said there was no difference!)

Friday, October 17, 2008


Sorry I haven't been posting! Our computer totally blew up, so we had to have a new one shipped from who knows where. The rats are doing great! They are starting to eat while they're being held. Pics next post!!!

Monday, October 6, 2008


My rats are getting a lot more comfortable with me. Today one of them was riding on my shoulder. Pence (darker) is generally more laid back then penny. They crave cheese-its! They also like carrots and sometimes it seems like they live for sunflower seeds.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


The girls are finally starting to settle in. We cleaned their cage today and changed their water and food. They really are starting to like the cage, and their more comfortable with me now, too!
Plus here's a pic that my cousins sent me!